Hey I'm Daniel, a FullStack Web Developer with a background in wholesale/retail logistics. I am passionate about building software for small bussiness' to compete and scale in a digital economy using strong technologies as Frameworks, API's, Cloud providers, PaaS, IaaS and Blockchain.
I'm a big fan of Machine Learning and Augmented Reality Websites, cinema4D, crypto and everything tech. When not coding, I love to listening to podcasts, brew some coffee or walk my dog Rubio.
My goal is to improve my skills, learn and apply new open source technologies, develop the latest accesible tools using best practices.
On the frontend side, I started with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, now I find myselft constantly improving my work using React, Material-UI, Three.js and BootStrap.
Backend wise, I deep dive into Express and Postgress. My next goal is implement Data in real time using MongoDB Atlas. For deployment my allies are Netlify, Heroku, Jenkins, Docker, K8s, and AWS.
Featured Project
The classic calculator bootstraped with React.
An accessible, youth-friendly, and responsive component-based Calculator app made using React.
The calculator utilizes JavaScript libraries to implement the fastest build-in methods to solve Math.
This app is accessible, passing the Lighthouse audits and resolving potential security vulnerabilities.  Performance : 99%
Featured Project
A modern Budget app, created with React & Material UI.
This Single Page Application was bootstraped using React and is connected to a API hosted at Heroku.
The app uses CRUD functions to manipulate the database in the backend.
UX / UI was designed using Material-UI.